Upcoming talks
Selected talks
“Slaufun og ábyrgð: Hver ber ábyrgð á mannorði okkar?” [“Cancelling and Accountability: Who is responsible for our reputation?”], Dokkan, 11 April, 2024.
“Why We Need a Non-Ideal Social Ontology of Money,” Critical Social Ontology Workshop, 6 April, 2024.
“Refsingar og slaufun í landi fyrirgefningarinnar” [Punishment and cancelling in the land of forgiveness], Humanities Congress, University of Iceland, 8–9 March, 2024.
“Raising the Stakes: Moral Responsibility and #MeToo”, keynote lecture at International Graduate Philosophy Conference, University of Galway, 1 December, 2023 (online).
“Er gervigreind ógn við mennskuna?,” [“Is AI a threat to humanity?”], Mannauður, félag mannauðsfólks á Íslandi, 21 November, 2023.
“Er gervigreind ógn við mennskuna?,” [“Is AI a threat to humanity?”], Stefnumót við gervigreind í menntun, málþing á vegum Menntavísindasviðs HÍ og Skóla- og frístundasviðs Reykjavíkurborgar, 16 October, 2023.
“Er gervigreind ógn við mennskuna?,” [“Is AI a threat to humanity?”], Utilisation of AI, Grand Hotel Reykjavík, 30 August, 2023.
“Female Philosophical Identity in the 21st Century,” Archaeology of the Female Intellectual Identity: Women, Philosophy, and Academia in Early Modern Europe, University of Copenhagen, 21 to 23 June, 2023.
“Skautað yfir það sem skiptir máli,” Conference on Icelandic Society, University of Akureyri, 2 to 3 June, 2023.
“You Are What You Buy: Self-Making through Consumption and Consumer-Making as Self-Expression,” University of Gothenburg, Philosophy speaker series Seminariet, 1 February, 2023.
“Women, Marriage, and Money in the Modern Era”, The Philosophy, Politics, and Economy Society Sixth Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 3–5, 2022
“Raising the Stakes: Themes from a New Wave of #MeToo”, Social Ontology & Collective Intentionality 2022. Psychological, Behavioural, and Applied Perspectives, Vienna, August 23–26, 2022
“Knowledge, trust, and justification. Thoughts on Lisa Herzog’s 2nd chapter in Democratic knowledge. Markets, experts, and the epistemic infrastructure of democracy,” Book Workshop with author Lisa Herzog (University of Groningen), McMaster University, 28 to 29 March, 2022 (online).
“Þekkingarleg áhættustýring og siðferðileg ágengni: Um hannúð og frásagnir af kynferðisofbeldi” [Epistemic risk analysis and moral encroachment: On himpathy and accounts of sexual abuse], Humanities Congress, University of Iceland, 11–12 March, 2022.
“Slaufun eða mannorðsmissir: Hver er munurinn?” [Cancellation or loss of reputation: What is the difference?], Center for Ethics, University of Iceland, 28 February, 2022.
“Slaufun og ábyrgð: Nokkur orð um mannorð” [Cancellation and responsibility: A few words on reputation], Equality Days, University of Iceland, 16 February, 2022.
You Are What You Buy: Self-Making Through Consumption And Consumer-Making As Self-Expression, Social Ontology 2021, August 9–21, 2021, University of California, San Diego, Online Conference.
“Öndunaræfingar: Af hverju eru femínískar undirgreinar mikilvægar í heimspeki?” [Breathing exercises: Why are feminist subfields important for philosophy], Feminist Philosophy Today, University of Iceland, 24 June, 2021.
You Are What You Buy: Self-Making through Consumption and Consumer-Making through Self-Expression,” Workshop on Reactivity and Human Categories, Types of Reactivity in the Human Sciences, Copenhagen 26–27 May, 2021 (online).
“Hannúð, þöggun og berskjöldun,” [“Himpathy, Silencing, and Vulnerability”], with Nanna Hlín Halldórsdóttir. Lecture series: #MeToo: Thinking Forward, Institute for Gender, Equality, and Difference (RIKK), University of Iceland, 20 May, 2021 (online).
“Women and the Culture of Philosophy,“ invited lecture at Gender and Ethnicity Research Group, Nord University, 27 April, 2021 (online).
Panelist at The Impact of Covid-19 on Women Scientists. Online seminar by RIKK; The Center for Gender Studies at Panteion University; and The Center for Gender Research at NTNU, 26 April, 2021 (online).
“Ethical Challenges due to COVID-19,” Covid sem alheimsverkefni, [Covid as a universal project], Icelandic Scientific Society, 24 November, 2020 (online).
Comments on Matti Häyry’s “Can Crisis Leadership Be Ethics Communication?”, Webinar: The Ethics of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Nordic Perspectives – Part 1, 16 October, 2020.
Comments on José Luis Marti’s “Collective Intelligence in Times of Crisis: Crowdcourced emergency decision-making against the Expertocracy Temptation”, Political Agency after Covid-19, online conference, University of Iceland, 15 May, 2020.
“The Value of Alternative Money,” Session: Cryptocurrency: Metaphysical and Normative Issues, PPE Society Annual Meeting 2020, New Orleans 12–14 March, 2020. (Canceled due to COVID-19)
“Money Holders and Merit,” invited talk at Money: What Is It? How Should It Function?, University of Groningen, 1–2 November, 2019.
“Merit, Luck, and Migrants,” Migration and Poverty. 2019 Salzburg Conference in
Interdisciplinary Poverty Research, Salzburg, 19–20 September, 2019.
“Money Holders and Worthiness,” Social Ontology 2019 (ENSO VI), University of Tampere, 22–24 August, 2019.
“Myths of Meritocracy and the Culture of Philosophy,” invited talk at 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg, Austria, August 4–10, 2019.
“Unpaid and Owned by Others: On Women and Ownership of Money,” Guest lecture at Universität Bayreuth, Women in Philosophy Series, 23 July, 2019.
“Can the Reality of Money be Doubted?,” Guest lecture at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Philosophy, Colloquium Series, 5 June, 2019.
“Inequality in a Meritocracy,” What are the Ethical Questions of the 21st Century?, Conference organized by Siðmennt, Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association, 1 June, 2019.
“Woman Conflicted,” NORA 2019 Conference — Border Regimes, Territorial Discourses & Feminist Politics, University of Iceland, 22–24 May 2019.
“Silencing Resistance,” invited talk at Workshop on Language and Power, ELTE, Budapest, May 2019.
To Love or to Loathe: Musings on the Value of Womanhood,” Feminist Philosophy and the Presence of the Past, Södertörn University, Stockholm, 18–20 March 2019.
Comments on Ásta’s Categories We Live By, Humanities Congress, University of Iceland, 8–9 March 2019.
“Þekkingardygðir og jafnrétti,” [Epistemic Virtues and Equality], Humanities Congress, University of Iceland, 8–9 March 2019.
“Can the Reality of Money be Doubted?,” Guest lecture at 2018 EUMOL Winter School, “Money as a Means of Community Belonging”, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Money Law, Business and Law Department, University of Siena, 11–14 December, 2018.
“Money as a Measuring Device: A Universal AND an Existential Quantifier,” Guest lecture at Slovak Academy of Sciences Institute of Philosophy, Bratislava, 19 November, 2018.
“What are we Owed if we are Owned? Women and Money,” Human Rights: Feminist- and Gender-Philosophical Perspectives, University of Vienna, 16–17 November, 2018.
“Járnbrautarslys í skini gaslampans” [“Trainwreck by Gaslight”], Þjóðarspegillinn, Conference in Social Sciences, 26 October, 2018.
“Hvernig aukum við þekkingarlegt réttlæti?” [“How Do We Increase Epistemic Justice?”], Menntakvika, Annual Research Conference of Educational Sciences, University of Iceland, 12 October, 2018.
“Aumingja Al Franken: Hugleiðingar um bakslagið við #MeToo” [“Poor Al Franken: Thoughts on the Backlash to #MeToo”], Fall Lecture Series of RIKK, Institute for Gender, Equality, and Difference, University of Iceland, 20 September, 2018.
“How Were We Supposed To Know? Ignoring as a Method for Silencing,” Association for Social and Political Philosophy (ASPP) Conference, LUISS Guido Carli/Sapienza University Rome, 21–23 June, 2018.
“Is Money Real?,” Money Matters, Uppsala University, 8 June, 2018.
“Money, Measurement, and Merit,” HERA Debt Workshop, University of Helsinki, 24–25 May, 2018.
“Epistemic Injustice and Truth about Social Wrongs,” MRU and MHC Liberal Education Conference 2018, Mount Royal University, Calgary, 3–5 May, 2018.
“Eru peningar raunverulegir?,” [“Is money real?”], Philosophy Chat, Hannesarholt, Reykjavik, 24 March, 2018.
“Hvernig áttum við að vita þetta? Hunsun sem þöggunaraðferð og þekkingarlegt ranglæti,” [“How were we to know? Ignoring as a silencing method and epistemic injustice”], Humanities Congress, University of Iceland, 10 March, 2018.
“Serpents and Paupers: Musings on the Harms of Inequality,” Who's Got The Power? Philosophical Critique of Social and Political Structures, University of Iceland, 6–7 October, 2017.
“Money as an Interactive and Subjective Social Kind,” ENSO V, The Fifth Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology, Lund University, 30 August–2 September, 2017.
“Money as an Interactive and Subjective Social Kind,” The Ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9), LMU München, 20–26 August, 2017.
“Utopias by Gaslight: Doing Philosophy in the Face of Adversity,” IAPh Workshop, The Futures(s) of Feminist Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin, 16–17 June, 2017.
“Serpents and Paupers: Musings on the Harms of Inequality,” VIII Braga Meetings on Ethical and Political Philosophy, Braga, Portugal 8–9 June, 2017.
“Sjálfsskoðun“ [“Self-inspection“] and “Innblástur“ [“Inspiration“], Hvernig metum við hið ómetanlega? Trú og lífsskoðun, Hólar í Hjaltadal 20–21 May, 2017.
“Closing Remarks: Gaslighting, Utopias, and Making the Impossible Possible,” Feminist Utopias: Transforming the Present of Philosophy, University of Iceland, 30 March–2 April, 2017.
“Misskipting auðs og manneskjur sem gjaldmiðill,” [“Unequal distribution of wealth, humans as currency”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 10–11 March, 2017.
“Why Wollstonecraft is not a Misogynist,” 2017 Mary Wollstonecraft: Life, Work, and Legacy Conference, University of Hull, 8 March, 2017.
“Misogyny as dehumanization,” Women and Philosophy: History, Values, Knowledge, Symposium of IAPh, Monash University, Melbourne, 7–10 July, 2016.
“Ontology of money and human appraisal,” Conference on non-ideal social ontology, Stockholm University, 20–21 May, 2016.
“Money: Ontology, Value, and Measurement,” University of Silesia, Katowice, 22 April, 2016.
With Gunnar Sigvaldason: “Appraisal of people and dehumanization,” Dehumanization: New approaches to understanding the politics of human nature, CEU, Budapest, 6–8 April, 2016.
“Að feika það í heimspekinni,” [“Faking it in philosophy”], Öráreitni, fordómar og fræði, [Microaggressions, prejudice, and scholarship], Symposium at Reykjavik Academy, 13 November, 2015.
“Money as a unit of measurement,” Nordic Network in Metaphysics, Inaugural Meeting, Uppsala, 20–21 October, 2015.
“Money as a tool of measurement,” The Making of Measurement, CRASSH, University of Cambridge, 23–24 July, 2015.
“Andóf eða innkauparáðgjöf: Um tilgang gagnrýni” [“Dissidence or shopping advice: The purpose of criticism”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 14 March, 2015.
“Litir sem fulltrúar skynjanlegra eiginleika,” [“Colors representing sensory properties”], Seminar in honor of Gunnar Harðarson, 12 December, 2014.
“Susan Stebbing,” Series on Women Philosophers, Univ. of Icel., 27 Feb, 2014.
“Misogyny's Object,” Women, Truth, Action in Helsinki, 10–12 October, 2013.
“Gagnrýnin samfélagsumræða með kynjavinkli,” presentation for the Equality Committee of BSRB, 21 May, 2013.
“Hvernig á að kenna gagnrýna hugsun?” [“How do we teach critical thinking?”], presentation for the Association of Philosophy Teachers, 24 April, 2013.
“Comments on Adam Bowen’s “Intention-Dependent Artifacts and an Argument from Arbitrariness,” Meeting of APA Pacific Division in San Francisco, 30 March, 2013.
“Fánýtt gauf án framlegðar” [“Futile activity and no contribution”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 16 March, 2013.
“Tónlist, skilningur og tilfinningar” [“Music, understanding, and emotion”], Lunch lecture series at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, 1 March, 2013.
“Mary Wollstonecraft,” Series on Women Philosophers, Univ. of Iceland, 7 Feb, 2013.
“Peningar sem samfélagsfyrirbæri” [“Money as a social phenomenon”], Seminar in the honor of Vilhjálmur Árnason, 11 January, 2013.
“Einstefna í báðar áttir: eiginleikar Evþýfróns” [“Up and down a one way street: On Euthyphronic properties”], Hugsað með Platoni, conference at the University of Iceland, 15 December, 2012.
“Peningar og gildi” [“Money and values”], Critical thinking and ethics: finance. Univ. of Iceland, 1 November, 2012.
“Primary and secondary qualities without dogma,”The tenth annual conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP), University of Oslo 7–9 June, 2012.
“Er heimspekin kvenfjandsamleg?” [“Is philosophy misogynistic?”], RIKK (Institute for Gender, Equality, and Difference), 29 March, 2012.
“Að gagnrýna gagnrýna hugsun” [“On criticizing critical thinking”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 10 March, 2012.
“Gagnrýnin hugsun á dósum?” [“Potted critical thinking”], Conference on critical thinking and ethics, Univ. of Iceland, 1 October, 2011.
“Looking at nature when looking at nature: On using psychological data when doing metaphysics,” ECAP 7, Milano, 1–6 September, 2011.
“Að skoða náttúru til að skoða náttúru” [“Looking at nature when looking at nature”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 26 March, 2011.
“Response-Dependence and Subjective Properties,” NIP/CSMN Conference on Response-Dependent Concepts, Universitetet i Oslo, 26–28 August, 2010.
“Money Trouble,” Collective Intentionality VII, Universität Basel, 23-26 August, 2010.
“Can a Remote Object be Lovely?” Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University College Dublin, 9–12 July, 2010.
“Mátturinn og eðlið” [“Power and essence”], lecture given at the annual congress for humanities at the University of Iceland, 6 March, 2010.
“Determining potential: on properties and circumstances,” SOPHA 2009, Genève, 2–5 September, 2009.
“Studying sensory properties by studying color,” European Society for Philosophy and Psychology – 17th Annual Conference, CEU, Budapest, 27–30 August, 2009.
“Hvers virði er krónan? Frumspekileg athugun á peningum” [“A metaph. investigation of money”], Philosophy in the time of crisis, Univ. of Iceland, 20 May, 2009.
“Thomas Kuhn og vísindabyltingar” [“Thomas Kuhn and scientific revolutions”], Revolutionaries of science lecture series, Reykjavik, 4 April, 2009.
“Eru hlutirnir hlutlægir?” [“Are objects objective?”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 14 March, 2009.
“Upplýstar tilfinningaverur” [“Enlightened emotional beings”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 14 March, 2009.
“Að hálfu leyti api enn” [“Still half an ape”], Does man have a nature? A symposium on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin, Reykjavik, 12 Feb, 2009.
“Wollstonecraft og spurningin um femínískt kvenhatur” [“Wollstonecraft and the question of feminist misogyny”], RIKK (Institute for Gender, Equality, and Difference), 27 Nov, 2008.
“Relevant dependence on actual responses,” ECAP 6 (European Congress of Analytic Philosophy), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 21–26 Aug, 2008.
“Metaphysical response-dependence: for properties only,” Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Aberdeen, 11–13 July, 2008.
“Molyneux-vandinn á breskri nýöld” [“The Molyneux Problem in British Modern Philosophy”], Humanities Congress, Univ. of Iceland, 4–5 April, 2008.
“Is relativity a requirement for mind-dependence?” Context-Dependence, Perspective & Relativity in Language and Thought, École Normale Supérieure, Paris 9–11 November, 2007. Organized by Institut Jean-Nicod and École Normale Supérieure.
“Eigum við alltaf að efast ef við getum?” [“Should we always doubt when we can?”], Workshop on Critical thinking, University of Iceland, 10 March, 2007.