Eyja M. J. Brynjarsdóttir

Media Appearances

In the Media

Living in Iceland with its tiny population, it’s practically impossible to work as a philosopher without being called upon every now and then for interviews, consultations and whatnots in the media. Here is some of it, appearing in a random order.

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Kastljós September 2018

TV interview on backlash reactions to #MeToo.

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Fréttablaðið November 2017

Newspaper interview when the #MeToo movement was just starting.

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DV February 2016

Newspaper interview about my project, The Reality of Money.

Fréttatíminn october 2012: Newspaper interview along with historian Guðni Th. Johannesson about the economic crash.

Íslenska Krónan March 2015: I was interviewed in a documentary about the Icelandic króna that came out in 2015.

FRÉTTABLAÐIÐ APRiL 2015: Newspaper interview on relativity and other things.

HEIMSPEKIVERKSMIÐJAN July 2015: Podcast about the metaphysics of money.

Víðsjá December 2015: Radio interview about Thomas Kuhn and the Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Bók vikunnar january 2016: Radio show: Book of the week, Leiðin út í heim by Hermann Stefánsson.

Fréttatíminn december 2016: Thoughts in a newspaper on the main events of 2016.

Orð um bækur February 2018: Radio interview about Mary Wollstonecraft.

Lestin january 2018: Radio interview about Ursula Le Guin.

Lestin january 2019: Radio interview about the philosophy of time.

Morgunútvarpið March 2019: Radio interview about the philosophy of money.

Lestin june 2019: Radio interview about dystopias.

Samtal October 2019: Radio interview with Soffía Auður Birgisdóttir and Ævar Kjartansson in their series about feminism and scholarship.

Hefurðu rekist á tilganginn minn? December 2019: Radio interview with Halldór Hauksson in his series about the meaning of life.

„Sama heimili í nýjum heimi“ Stundin febrúar 2020: News paper article

Eilíft líf í skýjunum, Rás 1 maí 2020: Radio interview about dreams of eternal life

Áleitnar spurningar um Ísland sem tilraunaland Fréttablaðið febrúar 2021: Opinion piece with four other philosophers

„Hvenær og hvernig skal ræða siðferðileg álitamál?“ Fréttablaðið febrúar 2021: Opinion piece with four other philosophers

Samfélagið á Rás 1, maí 2021: Radio interview about the new Icelandic #MeToo wave

Vikulokin á Rás 1, júlí 2021: Radio discussion about current affairs

Víðsjá nóvember 2021: Radio interview about cancel culture

„Verkefni ársins eru framtíðarverkefni“ Stundin desember 2021: Thoughts on the New Year

Fréttatími RÚV janúar 2022: Televsion interview about #MeToo

Fréttir Stöðvar 2 janúar 2022: Televsion interview about #MeToo

Spegillinn janúar 2022: Radio interview about #MeToo

Þolendur eigi að stýra endurkomu slaufaðra manna Stundin mars 2022: Discussion in a video cast

Hádegið á Rás 1 mars 2022: Radio interview about use of language on war

UPPÁSTAND: LITIR 2. FEBRÚAR 2023: Short radio piece on colors

LESTIN Á RÁS 1 22. FEBRÚAR 2023: Radio discussion about changes made to Roald Dahl’s books and the cancelling of J.K. Rowling

ÞÚ VEIST BETUR: HEIMSPEKI: Radio show intRoducing philosophy 12. MARS 2023